A lot of sites online have numerous tips on how to promote a blog to make it more successful and widely-read. Of course, I haven't even been at this for a full year (speaking of which, Das U-Blog's 1st birthday is coming up soon!). Therefore, I don't really have any experience from which to speak regarding these matters.
I personally know many of the people who read this blog. I know some of you readers only through comments in other blogs.
I actually tried making a Facebook page for this blog, but I deleted it when I realized that the page should direct readers to this site (and not the other way around); also, because I ask a lot of people in person (or via Internet IM) to check out this site, a Facebook page just seemed that much more redundant. On top of all of that, while I could import posts from the site, Facebook would import from Das U-Blog's RSS feed, so I could only get a limited number of recent posts, and the post would only contain the title (and sharing options — no content). With that, a Facebook page looked downright ridiculous.
But was deleting that page really a good idea? Or, should I be trying something else (or more than one strategy, for that matter)?
I'm just writing the material; you, the readers, certainly know better than I do as to how I should best reach new readers.
To that end, I've added a poll to this post. Please respond (and add comments with suggestions or other thoughts). I really do appreciate your input (and, as always, your readership).
Thank you!
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