There was one post that got a few comments, so I'll repost most of those.
Commenter tshann had this tip: "Just FYI, you can pull up the xfce menu by hitting the windows key and the alt key. So you don't even need to click on the desktop @ all. Thanks for the review. I've been using Statler xfce for ... well since it came out. It's my main OS - awesome distro."
Thanks to all those who commented on that post. I don't have anything planned for this coming week, but I'm sure I'll be able to think of something to write. In any case, if you like what I write, please continue subscribing and commenting!
Revisited: CrunchBang ("#!") Linux 10 "Statler" Xfce r20110207
An anonymous reader said, "shortcuts for menu. #! made me fall in love with shortcuts. thanks, good review."Commenter tshann had this tip: "Just FYI, you can pull up the xfce menu by hitting the windows key and the alt key. So you don't even need to click on the desktop @ all. Thanks for the review. I've been using Statler xfce for ... well since it came out. It's my main OS - awesome distro."
Thanks to all those who commented on that post. I don't have anything planned for this coming week, but I'm sure I'll be able to think of something to write. In any case, if you like what I write, please continue subscribing and commenting!
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